Glam Touch

Cancellation Policy

At Glam Touch, we understand that circumstances may arise that require you to cancel your service booking. We aim to make the cancellation process as smooth as possible for our customers. Please review our cancellation policy outlined below:

1. Cancellation Window:

   - Customers can cancel their service booking without penalty up to 3 hours/days before the scheduled appointment.

2. Cancellation Process:

   - To cancel a service booking, please contact our customer support team at +91 1234567890 or through our app's cancellation feature.

   - Provide your booking details, including the service name, date, and time of the appointment.

3. Cancellation Fees:

   - Cancellations made within 3 hours/days of the scheduled appointment may be subject to a cancellation fee.

   - The cancellation fee amount will depend on the specific service booked and will be communicated to you at the time of cancellation.

4. Refund Policy:

   - If you cancel your service booking within the allowed cancellation window, you may be eligible for a full refund of any payment made.

   - Refunds will be processed within [insert number] business days and credited to the original method of payment.

5. No-Show Policy:

   - Failure to cancel a service booking and not showing up for the appointment will result in a no-show fee.

   - The no-show fee amount will be equivalent to the full price of the booked service.

6. Exceptions:

   - Exceptions to the cancellation policy may be made in extenuating circumstances, such as emergencies or unforeseen events. Please contact our customer support team to discuss your situation.

7. Contact Us:

   If you have any questions about our cancellation policy or need assistance with canceling your booking, please contact us at +91 1234567890.

Glam Touch reserves the right to amend or modify this cancellation policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated policy on our website or app.